PS Love your photo x

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Loved your story Sacha ❤️ the toilet incident made my skin crawl. Hard to believe that women have to explore and expain these frightening feelings to try to protect what used to be respected and 'normal' allowances for women's comfort and safety. I'm with Kat. Don't give them an inch...

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Cheers, Debbie. Yes, and feelings I had been denying in working with him until I was confronted by the reality of the potential threat he posed, as well as his outrageous presumption to just stride into the Ladies without a thought to the women's discomfort - and or for predatory reasons. I'm not giving him or others even a centimetre of sympathy anymore, even though it means my daughter won't speak to me, along with many other family members and former friends.

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A great article! Thank you

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Men are crazy.

Don't ever humor them with their irrational demands.

It will never be enough. The answer must be NO, to everything, all the idiotic things they demand.

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You're right, of course. I should have known better. But my instinct is still somehow to give them the benefit of the doubt, probably due to having a partner who is a decent, generally less 'crazy' than me, man. But the older I get the more I see that he is the exception that proves the rule.

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Loved this story. It’s real and reaches all us women who’ve been subjected to men who say they’re women now dominating us in a new way about what we can and can’t say and do. Thank you.

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I hear ya girlfriend ! Xx

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